import Button from './button.js';
import Component from './component.js';
import {merge} from './utils/obj';
import * as Dom from './utils/dom.js';
/** @import Player from './player' */
* @typedef {object} TransientButtonOptions
* @property {string} [controlText] Control text, usually visible for these buttons
* @property {number} [initialDisplay=4000] Time in ms that button should initially remain visible
* @property {Array<'top'|'neartop'|'bottom'|'left'|'right'>} [position] Array of position strings to add basic styles for positioning
* @property {string} [className] Class(es) to add
* @property {boolean} [takeFocus=false] Whether element sohuld take focus when shown
* @property {Function} [clickHandler] Function called on button activation
/** @type {TransientButtonOptions} */
const defaults = {
initialDisplay: 4000,
position: [],
takeFocus: false
* A floating transient button.
* It's recommended to insert these buttons _before_ the control bar with the this argument to `addChild`
* for a logical tab order.
* @example
* ```
* player.addChild(
* 'TransientButton',
* options,
* player.children().indexOf(player.getChild("ControlBar"))
* )
* ```
* @extends Button
class TransientButton extends Button {
* TransientButton constructor
* @param {Player} player The button's player
* @param {TransientButtonOptions} options Options for the transient button
constructor(player, options) {
options = merge(defaults, options);
super(player, options);
// When shown, the float button will be visible even if the user is inactive.
// Clear this if there is any interaction.
player.on(['useractive', 'userinactive'], (e) => {
* Return CSS class including position classes
* @return {string} CSS class list
buildCSSClass() {
return `vjs-transient-button focus-visible ${ => `vjs-${c}`).join(' ')}`;
* Create the button element
* @return {HTMLButtonElement} The button element
createEl() {
/** @type HTMLButtonElement */
const el = Dom.createEl(
'button', {}, {
type: 'button',
class: this.buildCSSClass()
this.controlTextEl_ = el.querySelector('span');
return el;
* Show the button. The button will remain visible for the `initialDisplay` time, default 4s,
* and when there is user activity.
show() {;
if (this.options_.takeFocus) {
this.el().focus({ preventScroll: true});
this.forceDisplayTimeout = this.player_.setTimeout(() => {
}, this.options_.initialDisplay);
* Hide the display, even if during the `initialDisplay` time.
hide() {
* Dispose the component
dispose() {
Component.registerComponent('TransientButton', TransientButton);
export default TransientButton;